Monday, November 12, 2007

A Time to kill – Chapter 6 Professional Witness



Professional Witness




Insanity Case


Write in the word next to the definition.

1 ______________________________ More than two, but not many

2 ______________________________ n.1 a regard or fondness for something.

2 one’s taste.

3 ______________________________ Having been previously

4 ______________________________ Court case in which the defence tries to acquit their client of a crime by proving that he was insane at the time of the crime. If they can prove that he cannot be held responsible for his actions.

5 ______________________________ Fall or cause to fall vertically

6 ______________________________ Specialist in a subject, who will be asked to give evidence to a court on a technical matter

7 ______________________________ A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.

Write the correct word in the blank

He would continue to work in ______ office, and would keep his uniform and _______ salary.

When Jake ______ ___ hour later, Lucien and the doctor were asleep.

The doctor dropped his drink and __________ in laughter.

Dr W.T. Bass was a _________ psychiatrist from Jackson.


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