Sunday, February 17, 2008

Final Blog Check ups

To all students in my classes EN I, II and III of Assumption University Bangkok:

Today will be the lat time I check blogs. Last week I checked quite a few already, but now I will finish them. So you will get your second blog grade on Monday or Tuesday. Monday will be the final teaching day and Tuesday will be a questions and answers day. I wish you all good luck with your finals and a nice summer break if any.. !

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Checking your blogs

I am checking most blogs today for the final grade. Hope you did your best. Will start giving the grades next week. I won't do all right away though. So some of you will have to wait a bit to get the results.



Sunday, January 20, 2008

Blogs Checking

I will check most blogs starting now till about 18:00. Please remember all the blogging rules I mentioned earlier.
We have a few pretty busy weeks ahead. Make sure you read before you come to class. I you don't read enough in the upcoming 6 weeks it will be hard to pass the exam. We have a lot of reading to do. So read a little before tomorrow's class! Whether is is 'American Crime Stories, 'Limitations', or ''Presumed Innocent', you all know you have a few to go.

Good luck!

A. Jasper

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Blog grades

I am in the middle of checking all your blogs to give you your first blog score. When I grade I check several things:

  • You posted every week (7 in total)
  • You posted 3500 words or more in total
  • Everything is in English including links
  • No breach of copyrights (you know what I mean)
  • You made it personal
  • Blog is up-to-date, no old data
  • Creativity is appreciated (photos, slide shows, videos,..)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Time to kill [John Grisham]

– Chapter 8 The Research Assistant

Give a definition of the following words


Remind (verb)


Unlock (verb)

Law clerk






Reading Comprehension

Explain the title of this Chapter.

What qualifications does Ellen Roark bring with her?

How do you pronounce Roark?


Write down the differences between the American and Thai legal system based upon what you have read so far (Chapter 1 – 8). Use legal terms.

Monday, November 12, 2007

A Time to kill [John Grisham] – Chapter 7 Problems for Jake

Find synonyms for the following words



Break (verb)


Fire (verb)

Scream (verb)




Spread (verb)



Reading Comprehension

Ethel worries a lot. Why?

The judge gives Jake Brigance and Rufus Buckley a gag order. What is that and why does he give it?

How does Ozzie make the bomb carrier (person who carried a dynamite bomb to Jake's house) confess. Why do you think he looks next door before he starts the “interrogation”?

Which legal steps are undertaken in chapter 7?

Put the appropriate articles

He went to the basement to get _____ spade. When he found it he returned to ______ garden and started digging. He had bought ____ beautiful Hortensia and had found just _____ right spot. It was _____ ideal spot. Plenty of sunshine and room to grow. Earlier today, he and his wife had taken ____ car to __ shopping center specialized in plants and ___ variety of flowers. They had wanted to buy ___ fuchsia first. But after ___ long debate decided to go for ____ Hortensia. ___ shop owner told them they had made ___ right choice. Hortensias were ideal for gardens like theirs.

Correct the grammar errors in the following sentences

  1. I arrive home yesterday after eight.

  2. It has many beautiful tree in the United States of America.

  3. He don't speak English often.

  4. I will go to the home and tell mother who I do.

  5. Everyday it has very traffic jam in the Bangkok.

A Time to kill – Chapter 6 Professional Witness



Professional Witness




Insanity Case


Write in the word next to the definition.

1 ______________________________ More than two, but not many

2 ______________________________ n.1 a regard or fondness for something.

2 one’s taste.

3 ______________________________ Having been previously

4 ______________________________ Court case in which the defence tries to acquit their client of a crime by proving that he was insane at the time of the crime. If they can prove that he cannot be held responsible for his actions.

5 ______________________________ Fall or cause to fall vertically

6 ______________________________ Specialist in a subject, who will be asked to give evidence to a court on a technical matter

7 ______________________________ A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.

Write the correct word in the blank

He would continue to work in ______ office, and would keep his uniform and _______ salary.

When Jake ______ ___ hour later, Lucien and the doctor were asleep.

The doctor dropped his drink and __________ in laughter.

Dr W.T. Bass was a _________ psychiatrist from Jackson.


Make a summary of this tiny chapter ()

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Blog Rules

  1. Write 500 words or more per week (deadline is each Sunday)
  2. Use the same font color and don't use a bright blinking one
  3. Write interesting stories
  4. Don't plagiarize by copy and pasting or copying from other sources unless you use it to explain something in a post and you write about it
  5. Write about things that happen now(up-to-date) not about things in the past (Hight School and Primary School) unless it is connected to the present
  6. Check spelling in Microsoft Word

A. Jasper Frumau

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