Sunday, February 17, 2008

Final Blog Check ups

To all students in my classes EN I, II and III of Assumption University Bangkok:

Today will be the lat time I check blogs. Last week I checked quite a few already, but now I will finish them. So you will get your second blog grade on Monday or Tuesday. Monday will be the final teaching day and Tuesday will be a questions and answers day. I wish you all good luck with your finals and a nice summer break if any.. !

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Checking your blogs

I am checking most blogs today for the final grade. Hope you did your best. Will start giving the grades next week. I won't do all right away though. So some of you will have to wait a bit to get the results.



Sunday, January 20, 2008

Blogs Checking

I will check most blogs starting now till about 18:00. Please remember all the blogging rules I mentioned earlier.
We have a few pretty busy weeks ahead. Make sure you read before you come to class. I you don't read enough in the upcoming 6 weeks it will be hard to pass the exam. We have a lot of reading to do. So read a little before tomorrow's class! Whether is is 'American Crime Stories, 'Limitations', or ''Presumed Innocent', you all know you have a few to go.

Good luck!

A. Jasper

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