Saturday, November 18, 2006

Saturday 18th

I am at home in Nonthaburi now. My wife is surfing the web while I am going through all your blogs. I read them with great pleasure. Most of you have written and have written great stuff. Keep up the great work. Keep it coming! This is a great way to practice your English. I will see you again on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend!

A. Jasper
Bangkok, Thailand

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Good Morning

Good morning students and other readers!

I see that quite a few of you have started blogging. Some of you have even put some nice pictures on your blogs!! I enjoy reading all of them. I hope you enjoy writing them. Well I have to hurry. My first class starts in 20 minutes and I need to read some material first.


A. Jasper

P.S. The Blog even has a spelling checker. Use it before you post.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Remember everybody. Starting tomorrow you need to start blogging. One A4 page a week = 500 words. I have added most of your blogs to my blogroll. If yours is missing please let me know so I can add it.

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